This is great!

Lisa and Rob,
Thanks for making this happen. I hope that this thing grows. The thing that I have always liked best about AB is the energy that comes from the people that work here. This seems to extend to friendships outside of the office and this blog proves it.
I do not know if you can now see my profile, but after about thirty years, I find myself back in motorcycling. Out of the dirt and onto the street. This time with a Honda VTX 1800 C.
I can't plan out as far as April, but the ride to Suches seems like it may be to much to pass up. We will have to see.
Thanks for the post and the photo. I am very happy to see so many people jumping on board. This has been a lot of fun so far, and I am getting to know more AB people.
Your bike is sweet! My sweetie, John, and I are looking into getting a nice touring bike sometime in the future. For now, I just want to ride my own Shadow. (I ain't no one's biker babe!)
It would be great if you could join us in April. It's supposed to be a fantastic ride.