Give me two wheels and hold the mayo...
Did you ever notice that when you work in your home, lunch becomes a series of snacks while sitting on conference calls? Same with working in the field as most lunches tend to be eaten while staring at traffic on the way to the next customer site. This usually means indigestion as well as mustard stains on your pants.
That is why, with the temperature in the mid forties and my phone silent, I chose to skip a meal that would surely find its way to my mid section and do something for my soul. I took a ride. I think that I had unconsciously been setting things up for the last few weeks as my helmet found its way out of the storage closet and into general population. As I had set the bike up to accommodate a bonus day, I simply had to check the air pressure, lights and unhook the battery tender. The bike started on the second pump of the pistons and I let it warm up while I got on my gear. Five minutes later, I was being cut off by my first clueless cage dweller, but the rest of the next forty five minutes was pure mind clearing bliss. I was gone for the total of an hour but the benefits were far greater than the sandwich and chips would have provided. And surprise, surprise, my phone did not ring while I was gone. It did however, while I was getting that granola bar out of the cupboard. I guess I'm just greedy.
That is why, with the temperature in the mid forties and my phone silent, I chose to skip a meal that would surely find its way to my mid section and do something for my soul. I took a ride. I think that I had unconsciously been setting things up for the last few weeks as my helmet found its way out of the storage closet and into general population. As I had set the bike up to accommodate a bonus day, I simply had to check the air pressure, lights and unhook the battery tender. The bike started on the second pump of the pistons and I let it warm up while I got on my gear. Five minutes later, I was being cut off by my first clueless cage dweller, but the rest of the next forty five minutes was pure mind clearing bliss. I was gone for the total of an hour but the benefits were far greater than the sandwich and chips would have provided. And surprise, surprise, my phone did not ring while I was gone. It did however, while I was getting that granola bar out of the cupboard. I guess I'm just greedy.