Watch out for dogs...I mean BEARS!

I just returned from a great ride from North Carolina to Niagara Falls, Canada (With John Prinkey and Kevin Roberts and 3 other of their buddies). There are a lot of beautiful windy roads through NY and Pennsylvania if you keep off the interstates. I decided to take Skyline Drive through the Shenandoah Mountains in Virginia on the way home (despite the maddening 35 mph speed limit which I ignored, as well as the 'radar detectors illegal' law). Coming around a corner I saw a 'dog' about 100 feet ahead in the center of the road just walking along. I thought, 'what idiot brings his dog here AND lets him run in the middle of the road'? I began to slow down since I figured it would chase me and I'd accelerate away as trained in the MSF riding class. As I got closer, I noticed it was a black bear cub! I stopped suddenly, about 30 feet away, not wanting to get too close since I figured Mom was probably watching me the entire time. The little guy saw me and scampered away off the road into the brush. I decided to get the heck out of there quickly. I had stopped so suddenly and was not thinking about what I was doing and didn't realize I was in second gear. I almost stalled the engine taking off before realizing my mistake and dropping into first. About 5 miles up the road, I saw another, larger, black bear in the woods laying down.This drive was out of the way and added a good 2 hours to my 400 mile trip home but was well worth the $10 entry fee.Watch out for bears!Rob