Hey Rob, that dark patch at the outside of the tire is reffered to as the "chicken strip." I never saw one so big. The tire will last a lot longer if you use it
Geez. I don't feel so bad about my old Shadow tires, now. Thanks Rob. I will attest to Rob's cornering skills--seen first hand in Sucches. I guess since then it's been all NC flatlands.
Well, the first ABioBikers West Ride to Alice's didn't go exactly as planned. We ended up at Alice's, but unfortunately our ride was a rental Camry. Don't ask. Scott, myself and Meredith (a totally awesome chic and forensic customer) drove up on Thursday, Jan. 29th and hung out with the bikers. It was a gorgeous day. The place was packed with the leather and tattoos folks eating some pretty bad food. But that's not why you go. It was quite nice in spite of the 4-wheels up and back. Thanks, Scott! Better luck with the next planned ride.
FINALLY! We went and got me a new bike today. We bought it in Charleston. Oddly enough, it was between this and the new Honda Phantom 750 (which I still like!). Of course Tuni kept going on and on about this one, and a man at the dealership (not an employee) looked at me and said "cruisers suck!" I hit him in the arm, but still ended up with this baby. Now I just have to go get my motorcycle license so I can drive it! So next year, I'll be riding the Smokies, too!! Whoohoo!
Too hot to wear a jacket or riding pants? Your state does not require a helmet? Read this...... http://www.speedfreakinc.com/content/articles/riding/roadrashqueen.html