Joshua Tree National Forest

At the Sales Meeting a few weeks ago, Liz Casanova, Michelle Lockey, Madera Bibb and I went for a drive through the Joshua Tree National Forest. We had a rental car, of course, but I couldn't help wishing I was on my bike as we rode through the windy roads. What a spectacular ecosystem! We saw a bobcat, numerous ravens and raptors, a couple of mountain goats and a pretty fiercesome stinkbug. Here is am image of the Joshua trees. Unfortunately, I had not thought enough in advance to bring my U2 CD along as was recommended by Matthew Powell. It was a great way to spend half a day off at the Sales Meeting. Perhaps one day I'll get to take a ride through this area or through the American southwest on my VTX1300. Of course I'll have to stop every so often to give John a break as his SV1000 isn't nearly as comfy for the long haul. (HeeHee)