Fall Ride in NC with the Bumble Bee
Matthew Powell, his buddy Ian, and I snuck in a Fall ride in the NC/TN mountains. We had great riding, but ran into some thick fog in the mountain tops (blue ridge especially) and so looked for new territory. We found highway 209 from Interstate 40 to Hot Springs, NC. This was an excellent road. Horses, windmills, dilapidated barns, a waterwheel; very beautiful and pastoral. And nice twisties and no traffic. Check it out:http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=lake+junaluska,+nc+to+Hot+Springs,+NC&sll=35.588085,-82.878799&sspn=0.252952,0.473099&ie=UTF8&z=10&om=1

Fontana Lake is 60 feet low!

BMW, Honda Interceptor, Triumph Speed Triple: all single sided swing arm bikes.
And boy did they get a workout on these roads.

Look at Matthew's bright yellow pack. Hence the title of this post, "Bumble Bee"