On the bike again...

if only as a rider. After almost a year and a half I found myself on two wheels again. A couple of nights ago I hopped on the back of the VFR with John and went for a short ride around town. It was early evening and the weather was perfect--clear, slightly cool. We took I-20 to 378 and headed off down Corley Mill Rd. Tall pines and small ponds flanked the winding road on either side. At one low point in the road I could see swampy areas on both sides. My nostrils filled with the odor of earth. Further along I smelled burning leaves, or wood. At the end of Corley Mill we turned right and headed across the Lake Murray dam. Off to the left the sun was setting and the sky was filled with so many colors that I couldn't name them all. We continued on and jumped back onto I-20 for the homestretch. I was starting to feel the chill. I was surprised that the seat was so uncomfortable. (I'll have to let John get that Corbin seat, afterall!) When we got home I was feeling very satifsfied. It was nice to be on a bike again.


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