ABioBikers West - 1st Ride to Alice's Restaurant

Well, the first ABioBikers West Ride to Alice's didn't go exactly as planned. We ended up at Alice's, but unfortunately our ride was a rental Camry. Don't ask. Scott, myself and Meredith (a totally awesome chic and forensic customer) drove up on Thursday, Jan. 29th and hung out with the bikers. It was a gorgeous day. The place was packed with the leather and tattoos folks eating some pretty bad food. But that's not why you go. It was quite nice in spite of the 4-wheels up and back. Thanks, Scott! Better luck with the next planned ride.


Robo said…
If you try real hard, I bet you can still wheelie in a Camry!
GatorGetterGal said…
I didn't try that with a pregnant woman in the back seat. But I can tell you that on my way back from the East Bay a couple nights later, I was riding the curves pretty hard through the mountains. It was awesome! There are such nice riding roads in SF.
Scott said…
Thanks for posting Lisa! I've been so busy with the new toy at work I forgot to check. Today was better; two bikes & ride video.

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