Best Birthday Present Ever!!

For my birthday John surprised me with two great new bike additions--Honda leather saddle bags and some Vance and Hines pipes!!!!!!!!! I was grinning ear to ear upon starting up my VTX for the first time this afternoon and hearing the throaty glub, glub sound emminating from those babies. What a great ride we had. I couldn't keep from laughing as I listened to the new rumble of my bike, thinking at times it sounded much like the engine of one of the pod racers in Star Wars. It's a beautiful noise--not too loud, but deep and gurgling, with a nice vibration as I accelerate. Thanks honey!! You really know how to treat a lady!


Robo said…
Wow, beautiful bags, love the look of the leather. Jeeze, what's John do for Christmas?!
wantucce said…
That's it. I'm looking for pipes! Christmas is just around the corner, so Santa better be good to me this year or I'm switching over. I wonder if you can have a Bar mitzvah at 43.
They look great Lisa!

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